Source code for pycofbuilder.building_block

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Created by Felipe Lopes de Oliveira
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

The BuildingBlock class is used to create the building blocks for the Framework class.

import os
import copy
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

from import (rotation_matrix_from_vectors,
from pycofbuilder.io_tools import (read_xyz, save_xyz, read_gjf)
from pycofbuilder.cjson import ChemJSON

from pycofbuilder.logger import create_logger

from pycofbuilder.exceptions import MissingXError

[docs] class BuildingBlock(): def __init__(self, name: str = '', **kwargs): str = name self.out_path: str = kwargs.get('out_dir', os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'out')) self.save_bb: bool = kwargs.get('save_bb', True) self.bb_out_path: str = kwargs.get('bb_out_path', os.path.join(self.out_path, 'building_blocks')) self.logger = create_logger(level=kwargs.get('log_level', 'info'), format=kwargs.get('log_format', 'simple'), save_to_file=kwargs.get('save_to_file', False), log_filename=kwargs.get('log_filename', 'pycofbuilder.log')) _ROOTDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.main_path = os.path.join(_ROOTDIR, 'data') self.connectivity = kwargs.get('connectivity', None) self.size = kwargs.get('size', None) self.mass = kwargs.get('mass', None) self.composition = kwargs.get('composition', None) self.atom_types = kwargs.get('atom_types', None) self.atom_pos = kwargs.get('atom_pos', None) self.atom_labels = kwargs.get('atom_labels', None) self.smiles = kwargs.get('smiles', None) self.charge = kwargs.get('charge', 0) self.multiplicity = kwargs.get('multiplicity', 1) self.chirality = kwargs.get('chirality', 0) self.symmetry = kwargs.get('symmetry', None) self.core = kwargs.get('core', None) self.conector = kwargs.get('conector', None) self.funcGroups = kwargs.get('funcGroups', None) self.available_symmetry = ['L2', 'T3', 'S4', 'D4', # 'R4' 'H6', # 'O6', 'P6' # 'C8', 'A8', 'E8' # 'B12', 'I12', 'U12', 'X12' ] # Check if bb_out_path exists and try to create it if not if self.save_bb != '': os.makedirs(self.bb_out_path, exist_ok=True) # If a name is provided create building block from this name if != '': if '.' not in self.from_name( # If a name is provided and it is a file, create building block from this file if '.' in self.from_file(self.out_path, def __str__(self): return self.structure_as_string() def __repr__(self): return 'BuildingBlock({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(self.symmetry, self.core, self.conector, self.funcGroups)
[docs] def copy(self): '''Return a deep copy of the BuildingBlock object''' return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def from_file(self, path, file_name): '''Read a building block from a file''' extension = file_name.split('.')[-1] read_func_dict = {'xyz': read_xyz, 'gjf': read_gjf} = file_name.rstrip(f'.{extension}') self.atom_types, self.atom_pos = read_func_dict[extension](path, file_name) self.atom_labels = ['C']*len(self.atom_types) if any([i == 'X' for i in self.atom_types]): self.connectivity = len([i for i in self.atom_types if 'X' in i]) else: raise MissingXError() self.centralize(by_X=True) self.calculate_size() pref_orientation = unit_vector( self.get_X_points()[1][0]) self.align_to(pref_orientation)
[docs] def from_name(self, name): '''Automatically read or create a buiding block based on its name''' # Check the existence of the building block files symm_check, core_check, conector_check, funcGroup_check = self.check_existence(name) error_msg = "Building Block name is invalid!\n" error_msg += "Symm: {}, Core: {}, Connector: {}, Functional Group:{}".format(symm_check, core_check, conector_check, funcGroup_check) assert all([symm_check, core_check, conector_check, funcGroup_check]), error_msg = name BB_name ='_') self.symmetry = BB_name[0] self.core = BB_name[1] self.conector = BB_name[2] possible_funcGroups = BB_name[3:] + ['H'] * (9 - len(BB_name[3:])) self.create_BB_structure(self.symmetry, self.core, self.conector, *possible_funcGroups) if self.save_bb:
[docs] def n_atoms(self): ''' Returns the number of atoms in the unitary cell''' return len(self.atom_types)
[docs] def print_structure(self): """ Print the structure in xyz format: `atom_label pos_x pos_y pos_z` """ print(self.structure_as_string())
[docs] def centralize(self, by_X=True): ''' Centralize the molecule on its geometrical center''' transposed = np.transpose(self.atom_pos) if by_X is True: x_transposed = np.transpose(self.get_X_points()[1]) if by_X is False: x_transposed = transposed cm_x = transposed[0] - np.average(x_transposed[0]) cm_y = transposed[1] - np.average(x_transposed[1]) cm_z = transposed[2] - np.average(x_transposed[2]) self.atom_pos = np.transpose([cm_x, cm_y, cm_z]) return np.transpose([cm_x, cm_y, cm_z])
[docs] def get_X_points(self): '''Get the X points in a molecule''' if 'X' in self.atom_types: X_labels, X_pos = [], [] for i in range(len(self.atom_types)): if self.atom_types[i] == 'X': X_labels += [self.atom_types[i]] X_pos += [self.atom_pos[i]] return X_labels, np.array(X_pos) else: print('No X ponts could be found!') return self.atom_types, self.atom_pos
[docs] def get_Q_points(self, atom_types, atom_pos): '''Get the Q points in a molecule''' Q_labels, Q_pos, Q_index = [], [], [] for i, atom in enumerate(atom_types): if atom == 'Q': Q_labels += [atom] Q_pos += [atom_pos[i]] Q_index += [i] return Q_labels, np.array(Q_pos), Q_index
[docs] def get_R_points(self, atom_types, atom_pos): """ Get the R points in a molecule """ # Create a dict with the R points R_dict = {'R': [], 'R1': [], 'R2': [], 'R3': [], 'R4': [], 'R5': [], 'R6': [], 'R7': [], 'R8': [], 'R9': []} # Iterate over the R keys for key in R_dict.keys(): # Iterate over the atoms for i in range(len(atom_types)): if atom_types[i] == key: R_dict[key] += [atom_pos[i]] return R_dict
[docs] def calculate_size(self): '''Calculate the size of the building block''' _, X_pos = self.get_X_points() self.size = [np.linalg.norm(i) for i in X_pos]
[docs] def align_to(self, vec: list = [0, 1, 0], n: int = 0): ''' Align the first n-th X point to a given vector Parameters ---------- vec : list Vector to align the molecule n : int Index of the X point to be aligned align_to_y : bool If True, the second point is aligned to the y axis ''' _, X_pos = self.get_X_points() R_matrix = rotation_matrix_from_vectors(X_pos[n], vec) self.atom_pos =, np.transpose(R_matrix))
[docs] def rotate_around(self, rotation_axis: list = [1, 0, 0], angle: float = 0.0, degree: bool = True): ''' Rotate the molecule around a given axis Parameters ---------- rotation_axis : list Rotation axis angle : float Rotation angle in degrees degree : bool If True, the angle is given in degrees. Default is True. ''' rotation_axis = unit_vector(rotation_axis) rotation = R.from_rotvec(angle * rotation_axis, degrees=degree) self.atom_pos = rotation.apply(self.atom_pos)
[docs] def rotate_to_xy_plane(self): '''Rotate the molecule to the xy plane''' _, X_pos = self.get_X_points() if len(X_pos) == 3: normal = np.cross(X_pos[0], X_pos[-1]) if normal[0] != 0 and normal[1] != 0: R_matrix = rotation_matrix_from_vectors(normal, [0, 0, 1]) self.atom_pos =, np.transpose(R_matrix)) if len(X_pos) == 2: normal = np.cross(X_pos[0], self.atom_pos[1]) if normal[0] != 0 and normal[1] != 0: R_matrix = rotation_matrix_from_vectors(normal, [0, 0, 1]) self.atom_pos =, np.transpose(R_matrix))
[docs] def shift(self, shift_vector: list): ''' Shift the molecule by a given vector Parameters ---------- shift_vector : list Shift vector ''' self.atom_pos = np.array(self.atom_pos) + np.array(shift_vector)
[docs] def structure_as_string(self): struct_string = '' for i, _ in enumerate(self.atom_types): struct_string += '{:<5s}{:>10.7f}{:>15.7f}{:>15.7f}\n'.format(self.atom_types[i], self.atom_pos[i][0], self.atom_pos[i][1], self.atom_pos[i][2]) return struct_string
[docs] def add_connection_group(self, conector_name): '''Adds the functional group by which the COF will be formed from the building blocks''' connector = ChemJSON() connector.from_cjson(os.path.join(self.main_path, 'conector'), conector_name) self.smiles = self.smiles.replace('[Q]', f"{['smiles'].replace('[Q]', '')}") conector_label = connector.atomic_types conector_pos = connector.cartesian_positions # Get the position of the Q points in the structure location_Q_struct = self.get_Q_points(self.atom_types, self.atom_pos) for i in range(len(location_Q_struct[0])): n_conector_label = conector_label.copy() n_conector_pos = conector_pos.copy() # Get the position of the closest atom to Q in the structure close_Q_struct = closest_atom('Q', location_Q_struct[1][i], self.atom_types, self.atom_pos)[1] # Get the position of Q in the conection group location_Q_connector = self.get_Q_points(n_conector_label, n_conector_pos) # Get the position of the closest atom to Q in the conection group close_Q_connector = closest_atom('Q', location_Q_connector[1][0], n_conector_label, n_conector_pos)[1] # Create the vector Q in the structure v1 = close_Q_struct - location_Q_struct[1][i] # Create the vector Q in the conector v2 = np.array(close_Q_connector) - np.array(location_Q_connector[1][0]) # Find the rotation matrix that align v2 with v1 Rot_m = rotation_matrix_from_vectors(v2, v1) # Delete the "Q" atom position of the conector group and the structure n_conector_pos = np.delete( n_conector_pos, find_index(np.array([0., 0., 0.]), n_conector_pos), axis=0) self.atom_labels = np.delete( self.atom_labels, find_index(location_Q_struct[1][i], self.atom_pos), axis=0 ) self.atom_pos = np.delete( self.atom_pos, find_index(location_Q_struct[1][i], self.atom_pos), axis=0 ) # Rotate and translade the conector group to Q position in the strucutre rotated_translated_group =, -np.transpose(Rot_m)) + location_Q_struct[1][i] # Add the position of conector atoms to the main structure self.atom_pos = np.append(self.atom_pos, rotated_translated_group, axis=0) # Remove the Q atoms from structure self.atom_types.remove('Q') n_conector_label.remove('Q') self.atom_types = self.atom_types + n_conector_label self.atom_labels = np.append(self.atom_labels, [['Q'] * len(n_conector_label)])
[docs] def add_connection_group_symm(self, conector_name): '''Adds the functional group by which the COF will be formed from the building blocks''' connector = ChemJSON() connector.from_cjson(os.path.join(self.main_path, 'conector'), conector_name) self.smiles = self.smiles.replace('[Q]', f"{['smiles'].replace('[Q]', '')}") conector_types = connector.atomic_types conector_pos = connector.cartesian_positions # Get the position of the Q points in the structure _, Q_vec, Q_idx = self.get_Q_points(self.atom_types, self.atom_pos) # Remove the Q atoms from structure self.atom_types = np.array([self.atom_types[i] for i in range(len(self.atom_types)) if i not in Q_idx]) self.atom_pos = np.array([self.atom_pos[i] for i in range(len(self.atom_pos)) if i not in Q_idx]) self.atom_labels = np.array([self.atom_labels[i] for i in range(len(self.atom_labels)) if i not in Q_idx]) # Create the vector Q in the structure QS_vector = Q_vec[0] # Create the vector Q in the conector QC_vector = np.array(conector_pos[1]) # Find the rotation matrix that align the connector with the structure Rot_m = rotation_matrix_from_vectors(QC_vector, QS_vector) # Rotate and translade the conector group to Q position in the strucutre conector_pos =, np.transpose(Rot_m)) + Q_vec[0] conector_pos = R.from_rotvec( -90 * unit_vector(conector_pos[1] - conector_pos[0]), degrees=True).apply(conector_pos) # Add the position of conector atoms to the main structure self.atom_types = list(self.atom_types) + conector_types[1:] self.atom_pos = list(self.atom_pos) + list(conector_pos[1:]) self.atom_labels = np.append(self.atom_labels, [['Q'] * len(conector_types[1:])]) # Apply the improper rotations to match S4 symmetry Q_vec = [unit_vector(i) for i in Q_vec] # First S4 axis is location_Q_struct[1] R1 = R.from_rotvec(120 * Q_vec[1], degrees=True).apply(conector_pos) R1 = R.from_rotvec(60 * unit_vector(R1[1] - R1[0]), degrees=True).apply(R1) # Add the position of conector atoms to the main structure self.atom_types = list(self.atom_types) + conector_types[1:] self.atom_pos = list(self.atom_pos) + list(R1[1:]) self.atom_labels = np.append(self.atom_labels, [['Q'] * len(conector_types[1:])]) # Second S4 axis is location_Q_struct[2] R2 = R.from_rotvec(120 * Q_vec[2], degrees=True).apply(conector_pos) R2 = R.from_rotvec(-120 * unit_vector(R2[1]-R2[0]), degrees=True).apply(R2) # Add the position of conector atoms to the main structure self.atom_types = list(self.atom_types) + conector_types[1:] self.atom_pos = list(self.atom_pos) + list(R2)[1:] self.atom_labels = np.append(self.atom_labels, [['Q'] * len(conector_types[1:])]) # Third S4 axis is location_Q_struct[3] R3 = R.from_rotvec(120 * Q_vec[3], degrees=True).apply(conector_pos) R3 = R.from_rotvec(60 * unit_vector(R3[1] - R3[0]), degrees=True).apply(R3) # Add the position of conector atoms to the main structure self.atom_types = list(self.atom_types) + conector_types[1:] self.atom_pos = list(self.atom_pos) + list(R3[1:]) self.atom_labels = np.append(self.atom_labels, [['Q'] * len(conector_types[1:])])
[docs] def add_R_group(self, R_name, R_type): '''Adds group R in building blocks''' rgroup = ChemJSON() rgroup.from_cjson(os.path.join(self.main_path, 'func_groups'), R_name) self.smiles = self.smiles.replace(f'[{R_type}]', f"{['smiles'].replace('[Q]', '')}") group_label = rgroup.atomic_types group_pos = rgroup.cartesian_positions # Get the position of the R points in the structure location_R_struct = self.get_R_points(self.atom_types, self.atom_pos)[R_type] # Get the position of the R points in the R group for i, _ in enumerate(location_R_struct): n_group_label = group_label.copy() n_group_pos = group_pos.copy() # Get the position of the closest atom to R in the structure close_R_struct = closest_atom_struc(R_type, location_R_struct[i], self.atom_types, self.atom_pos)[1] # Get the position of R in the R group pos_R_group = self.get_R_points(n_group_label, n_group_pos)['R'] # Get the position of the closest atom to R in the R group close_R_group = closest_atom('R', pos_R_group[0], n_group_label, n_group_pos)[1] # Create the vector R in the structure v1 = close_R_struct - location_R_struct[i] # Create the vector R in the R group v2 = np.array(close_R_group) - np.array(pos_R_group[0]) # Find the rotation matrix that align v2 with v1 Rot_m = rotation_matrix_from_vectors(v2, v1) # Delete the "R" atom position of the R group and the structure n_group_pos = np.delete( n_group_pos, find_index(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), n_group_pos), axis=0 ) # Rotate and translade the R group to R position in the strucutre rotated_translated_group = n_group_pos, -np.transpose(Rot_m) ) + location_R_struct[i] # Remove the R atoms from the labels list # Remove the R atoms from structure self.atom_labels = np.delete( self.atom_labels, find_index(location_R_struct[i], self.atom_pos), axis=0 ) # Remove the R atoms from structure self.atom_pos = np.delete( self.atom_pos, find_index(location_R_struct[i], self.atom_pos), axis=0 ) # Add the position of rotated atoms to the main structure self.atom_pos = np.append(self.atom_pos, rotated_translated_group, axis=0) # Remove the R atoms from structure self.atom_types.remove(R_type) # Remove the R atoms from R group n_group_label.remove('R') self.atom_types = self.atom_types + n_group_label self.atom_labels = np.append(self.atom_labels, ['R'] * len(n_group_label))
[docs] def create_BB_structure(self, symmetry='L2', core_name='BENZ', conector='CHO', R1='H', R2='H', R3='H', R4='H', R5='H', R6='H', R7='H', R8='H', R9='H'): '''Create a building block''' = f'{symmetry}_{core_name}_{conector}' core = ChemJSON() core.from_cjson(os.path.join(self.main_path, 'core', symmetry), core_name) self.smiles =['smiles'] self.atom_types = core.atomic_types self.atom_pos = core.cartesian_positions self.composition = core.formula self.atom_labels = ['C']*len(self.atom_types) if symmetry == 'D4': pref_orientation = unit_vector( self.get_Q_points(core.atomic_types, core.cartesian_positions)[1][0]) else: pref_orientation = [0, 1, 0] if symmetry == 'D4': self.add_connection_group_symm(conector) else: self.add_connection_group(conector) R_list_names = [R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9] R_list_labels = ['R1', 'R2', 'R3', 'R4', 'R5', 'R6', 'R7', 'R8', 'R9'] funcGroup_string = [] for i in range(len(R_list_names)): if R_list_labels[i] in self.atom_types: self.add_R_group(R_list_names[i], R_list_labels[i]) += f'_{R_list_names[i]}' funcGroup_string.append(R_list_names[i]) self.funcGroups = funcGroup_string self.connectivity = len([i for i in self.atom_types if 'X' in i]) self.centralize() self.align_to(pref_orientation) self.calculate_size()
[docs] def replace_X(self, target_type): for i in range(len(self.atom_types)): if self.atom_types[i] == "X": self.atom_types[i] = target_type
[docs] def remove_X(self): atom_types, atom_pos, atom_labels = [], [], [] for i in range(len(self.atom_types)): if self.atom_types[i] != "X": atom_types.append(self.atom_types[i]) atom_pos.append(self.atom_pos[i]) atom_labels.append(self.atom_labels[i]) self.atom_types = atom_types self.atom_pos = np.array(atom_pos) self.atom_labels = atom_labels
[docs] def save(self, extension='xyz'): if extension == 'xyz': save_xyz(path=self.bb_out_path, + '.xyz', atom_types=self.atom_types, atom_pos=self.atom_pos)
[docs] def get_available_core(self): '''Get the list of available cores''' available_cores = {} for symm in self.available_symmetry: symm_path = os.path.join(self.main_path, 'core', symm) available_cores[symm] = [i.rstrip('.cjson') for i in os.listdir(symm_path) if '.cjson' in i] return available_cores
[docs] def get_available_R(self): '''Get the list of available functional groups''' R_PATH = os.path.join(self.main_path, 'func_groups') R_list = [i.rstrip('.cjson') for i in os.listdir(R_PATH) if '.cjson' in i] return R_list
[docs] def get_available_conector(self): '''Get the list of available conectores''' C_PATH = os.path.join(self.main_path, 'conector') C_list = [i.rstrip('.cjson') for i in os.listdir(C_PATH) if '.cjson' in i] return C_list
[docs] def check_existence(self, name): symm_check = False core_check = False conector_check = False funcGroup_check = True name = name.split('_') symm = name[0] core = name[1] conector = name[2] funcGroups = name[3:] BB_dict = self.get_available_core() if symm in self.available_symmetry: symm_check = True else: print('ERROR!: Building Block symmetry must be L2, T3, S4, or H6.') symm_check = False if core in BB_dict[symm]: core_check = True else: print(f'ERROR!: {core} not available!') print(f'Available cores with {symm} symmetry are {BB_dict[symm]}') if conector in self.get_available_conector(): conector_check = True else: print(f'ERROR! {conector} is not a available conector.') print(f'Available list: {self.get_available_conector()}') possible_funcGroups_list = self.get_available_R() for func in funcGroups: if func not in possible_funcGroups_list: print(f'ERROR! Functional group {func} is not a available.') print(f'Available list: {possible_funcGroups_list}') funcGroup_check = False return symm_check, core_check, conector_check, funcGroup_check
[docs] def get_buildingblock_list(self, shape, connector_group): files_list = os.listdir(self.bb_out_path) return [i.rstrip('.xyz') for i in files_list if shape == i.split('_')[0] and connector_group in i.split('_')[2]]